Radio Reporter Caught Having Sex In Newsroom (video)

Radio reporter
Reporter having sex with girlfriend in newsroom

A radio station journalist has been caught on CCTV having sex with his date in his workplace in Kiev, Ukraine.

According to local media, the reporter had been giving the lady a guided tour of Radio Maksimum before the sexual romp took place.

Unaware they were being recorded, the journalist is seen pulling down his trousers while his girlfriend sits up on a desk.

Radio Maximum executive producer Slava Demin confirmed the footage was recorded inside the radio station office.

He said: “We checked the footage once it appeared online and we know who the heroic lovers were.

“A Radio Maximum employee decided to have a date in the office.

“We don’t know how the CCTV camera ended up on Facebook.

“Perhaps the person that did so was jealous although this was not exactly a long date.”

According to local media, the journalist has been reprimanded but not sacked over the embarrassing incident.

You can watch the actual video here.

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